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Netra institute of Geoinformatics, New Delhi

Training Institute Location: Delhi

Training Institute Address: Near Dwwrka more Metro station New Delhi

Training Institute Website:

Training Mode Avilable: Online & Offline

Training Institute Location (If Other):

Training Institute Type: Not Disclosed

Training Institute Specilaization: Introduction to GIS, Advanced GIS Techniques, Remote Sensing, Cartography and Visualization, Spatial Analysis, Geospatial Data Management, GPS and GNSS Technology, Web GIS and Cloud Computing, Geospatial Programming and Automation, 3D GIS and Modeling, Geostatistics, LiDAR and Point Cloud Analysis, Geospatial Database Design, UAV/Drones for Geospatial Data Collection, Open Source GIS, Mobile GIS Applications, Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT), Environmental GIS, Urban and Regional Planning with GIS, Geospatial Project Management

Training Institute Course Description: