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Aleksei Trubin

Skills: ArcGIS, QGIS, GRASS GIS, ENVI, ERDAS Imagine, Google Earth, Python, MySQL Database, Postgres & PostGIS Database, OpenLayers

Degrees: PhD Degree - Applied geoinformatics and remote sensing in forestry

Technical Proficiencies:

Service Categories:

Experience (In Year): 9

Core Skills: GIS & RS: QGIS, ESRI ArcGIS Pro, Online, PostGIS, GRASS GIS, ERDAS, SNAP, Agisoft Metashape, CloudCompare, ENVI, Orfeo ToolBox, Res2DInv, Google Earth Engine (GEE), Mapbox, Leaflet. Programming: Python (pandas, numpy, xarray, rioxarray, GDAL, shapely, geopandas, fiona, GDAL, rasterio, scipy, scikit-learn, matplotlib, seaborn, ploty, dash, ArcPy), R, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, Azure Databricks, FME, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Power BI, Tableau, Docker, GitHub, GitLab, Linux, VSCode, Jupiter, Colab, Microsoft Office (VBA), Figma, Jira, Confluence, Agile.

Rate/Charges: As per project

Summary Statement: Geographic Information Systems Specialist with 9 years of experience in GIS, remote sensing, and data analysis, specializing in transforming Earth Observation and complex geospatial datasets into actionable insights across various industries.